Thursday, 31 December 2015

Quite a Year

A little later today I will be releasing my lovely elliot from his cock cage. Still later, when I have dressed for cocktails and New Year's celebrations I will be giving him more than his regular dose of Viagra. I am not entirely sure what I want to do to celebrate the New Year but it is always nice to have elliot at the ready. Later he will be locked in his steel cock cage for the first time and, for extra fun, I will be attaching the first of his scrotum weights to see how he adjusts. It is quite light weight so it should not be too uncomfortable. But he will positively clank if he is not wearing his girdle. (Which might be fun when he reads the Lesson in Church on Sunday.)

There were two huge events in our lives this year. First, I made the decision that elliot would be in a cock cage by default. While I let him out for much of the summer the fact is that he was caged for at least 300 of the last 365 days.

I have written more than I thought I would about the Gift of Male Chastity and, I suspect, elliot and I may publish a book on the subject in the early New Year. In retrospect, other than taking on the leadership of our marriage as a whole, putting elliot in chastity is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am quite serious when I say that any dominant wife should consider the benefits of taking full charge of her husband's sexuality. And, as I know many submissive husbands and unpartnered submissive males read this site, I strongly suggest that you ask your wives to put you in a chastity cage - or place yourself in a cage - as soon as possible. Now that good silicone cock cages cost as little as $25.00 from Amazon it is a small price for a potentially life changing device.

The second huge event was obviously the arrival of Mady, my maid. What a delightful girl. She has become part of our family by contract, initiation and sacred oath. But, as important as all that, Mady is the perfect servant. She works hard, is, mostly, obedient and understands our Female Led Marriage. As I write she is supervising ellot's exercise which, I suspect, is rather more fun for her than it is for him.

Best of all, Mady seems able to instinctively switch from her role as my maid, to her role as our maid and on to her position as female and therefore elliot's sexual superior without any loss of her own servanthood. This is quite a feat for such a young woman. She will make a lucky man a very good wife someday, but not too soon.

I am so looking forward to the New Year and wish all my readers a grand 2016.

Books you might like:
The Art of the Maid

Dominant Woman 

Feminine Superiority in Art

Obedient Husband 

Female Led Marriage for Loving Couples
See all our books at my Amazon Author Page hereRemember Amazon Prime Customers and Books Unlimited Customers can down load all my books FREE


  1. Congrats on finding the perfect maid and your decision to keep Elliott locked. Is he going to spend more time in the steel cage in 2016?


    1. Mady is perfect, thank you.

      We'll see how it goes with the steel cage. But elliot's default is now to be in a cock cage of one sort or another all the time. So it is not a question of "more time" rather it is a question of how often he'll be let out.

  2. You should take account of strict julie spanks blog entries of the trainer she hired for her sissy and how she has gotten an app to have him record everything he its and it allows her to view it anytime,

    1. I like strict julie...girl after my own heart. And Mady is, it turns out, an excellent personal trainer. What fun!
