Thursday, 7 May 2015

Cock Cage??

Over at my darling's blog he's been getting a lot of searchs for "does a sub hubby need a cock cage?"

Before I locked elliot up I would have said "no". After all, a good husband accepts his position and understands that he is not allowed to touch his cock or initiate sex at any time. It is a matter of honour and a good husband is nothing if not honourable.

However, having locked elliot up and now having had him in his cock cage for well over a month without letting him out for more than a few minutes, I can safely say that submissive husbands, at a certain point, are better locked up. (Especially if you have a cute and rather naughty maid about the house but that is another post.)

The reason is pretty simple: elliot does not "need" to be locked up to be submissive; but locking away his little cockette reminds him constantly of his position. It is too easy for a couple to slip into a routine. Which is fine as far as it goes; but keeping your husband under lock and key means that he is always aware that you are in charge at the most intimate possible level.

Combined with a daily micro dose of Viagra and, in our case a pretty maid, elliot is usually a little erect in his cage. It is not uncomfortable, but it is a constant. As well, knowing he is locked up means I don't worry a bit when elliot laces Mady in or spends time in her space or in her corner. I am not sure I would be quite so confident if I didn't keep the key to his chastity in my own private place.

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